Tuesday 30 August 2011

A month in....

So yes, a month has already past by...
It's really challenging to figure this whole blog thing out when all the tabs have Chinese characters!
Miraculously I managed to click around (and use my own deduction) and converted it to English! And then was able to add a new post. WOW! I'm glad that's over.

A month... yes I have tons to say but it is really difficult becausee there is SO much!

Firstly, the one that has impacted me the most- Don is back in SA. For a brief time hopefully a month-I'm keeping my fingers crossed. He had to return so that he can sort out his Taiwanese passport, which would make life here easier.

Ok down to the awesomeness...

The city is awesome. It's windy and so not as humid and sticky as Taipei. It is also a short drive from the beach and the mountains (so I've been told). It's a much smaller city than Taipei and I struggle to think of a South African city to compare it with. A new friend of mine compared it to George, but with a state of the art healthcare/transport and IT systems. It's chilled and pretty much awesome.

Also, we were super lucky to love the first apartment we saw and managed to move in later the same evening. Pics to follow. (As soon as I can figure out my new phone). Practically, its a loft style apartment with modern finishings and has Internet, cable and recycling sorted out. We also have intense security like a tag that only allows you onto the floor that you live on. Which I find odd as I have never once found myself feeling unsafe or threatened. In Taipei we would walk around in parks after 1am, and here I walked home after midnight on Saturday and was totally safe. It's a weird thing to be able to do. Even yesterday on I went walking around and although I got lost (just briefly) not once did I feel worried.

We had a typhoon day yesterday and had to stock up on water etc. But to my disappointment- no typhoon managed to make it this far north. And we had clear skies and mild winds yesterday, and then rain today. Oh the joys.

Hmmm... what else?
The toilets are great. Eastern toilets are not my favourite and I appreciate my new friend (Danille) urging me to try it. It's not easy but I'm sure I'll improve with practice. Thank goodness our apartment has a normal western loo.

Ok, I must go and get some more work done.
My next post will be soon! (I hope!)

If you have any specific questions just let me know and I'll try address them all.


Sunday 24 July 2011

The plane awaits

SO... the day is FINALLY here! With only 4 hours sleep, less than 30kgs of stuff & a smow jacket (it's too heavy for the luggage & it's cold in JHB) I'm starting this blog 5 hours before I get into the plane.

I''m not sure when I'll be able to post again, but I'll do it as soon as possible. I'm sure that as we get around we will also have more to say.

So thanks for having a look, and I'll keep you posted!
